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💰 Purchase/Download : IMPORTANT: This beat is free for profit use only for YouTube and SoundCloud monetization. For any streaming service (Spotify, Apple Music etc.) you have to purchase a lease. You always have to credit (prod. eyblood). 🩸 Instagram :   / eybloodbeats   🩸 BeatStore : xxxtentacion type beat, xxxtentacion type beat 2024, hard xxxtentacion type beat 2024, hard xxxtentacion type beat, xxxtentacion type beat, xxxtentacion, free xxxtentacion type beat, free xxxtentacion type beat 2024, old xxxtentacion type beat, xxxtentacion beats, xxxtentacion type beats, type beats xxxtentacion, type beat free xxxtentacion, type beat, free type beat, hard 808 type beat, xxxtentacion free beat 2024, free hard xxxtentacion type beat 2024, type beat hard, xxxtentacion instrumental, eyblood [FREE] XXXTENTACION TYPE BEAT - ''ROUGH'' [FREE] XXXTENTACION TYPE BEAT - ''ROUGH'' [FREE] XXXTENTACION TYPE BEAT - ''ROUGH'' #xxxtentaciontypebeat #beats #typebeat
