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Скачать с ютуб The Truth Project / Voicing CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) в хорошем качестве

The Truth Project / Voicing CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) 7 лет назад

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The Truth Project / Voicing CSA (Child Sexual Abuse)

A young mouse discovers that the kindly stranger offering to take care of it might not be as benevolent as he first seems. The increasing violence triggers memories: manipulation - grooming - abuse. The mouse needs to roar, but it may no longer have the strength, and if it does, will anyone believe it? Collaborating with Voicing CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) patron Chris Harper and chair Phillip Lafferty, we produced #The Mouse to raise awareness of the charity. Voicing CSA and The Truth Project works to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse find their voice and share their experiences.
