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First Look at 2022 PEZ Advent Calendar, mini PEZ, and MORE!

PEZ Mail Haul! So many mini PEZ and my new PEZ Advent Calendar came all the way from Sweden. I got a lot of new to me PEZ dispensers. There were a lot of Easter Bunny mini PEZ, mini Angel PEZ, Minnie Mouse Mini PEZ, SPG Panda PEZ Gathering PEZ from Sweden 2021, a couple of red stem Bugs Bunny PEZ which is a Looney Tunes character, some cool Bears, one with a Santa Hat which is a PEZ Twins Bear wearing a Santa hat and an Icee Bear with no nose or mouth painted on, PEZ International Treats PEZ on cards, a lot of PEZ ads in comic books, and the best part of the PEZ unboxing, my new 2022 PEZ advent calendar. What a great PEZ unboxing! Past Videos that I talk about in this video that you should watch - New PEZ USA Treats Video    • Didn't we already have Treats PEZ? Ar...   Panda Gathering PEZ Videos Playlist    • PEZ Convention / Gathering PEZ Dispen...   2021 PEZ Advent Calendar Playlist    • PEZ Advent Calendar   Support my channel - Buy me a PEZ dispenser: Erin Collects PEZ T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs and more! My Address: Erin Collects PEZ 16982 Manchester Rd 100 Wildwood, MO 63040 Instagram - @erincollectspez TikTok - @erincollectspez I did buy all of these PEZ items from Weronica Blixt, she is in Sweden. If you want to buy any PEZ from her you can message her on Facebook. Or here is a link to her photos on her Facebook page that you can shop from. She has a lot of PEZ International PEZ for sale. This isn't sponsored or anything, I just truly enjoy buying from Weronica. I am Erin and I have been collecting PEZ dispensers for over 20 years! I will be sharing my PEZ shopping trips, unboxing PEZ, buying PEZ items on eBay,, or on other various websites. Who knows I might find some PEZ at a garage sale or an estate sale. I have thousands and thousands of PEZ dispensers and Licensed PEZ items, so of course I will be sharing them with you as well. I also need to fill my new shelves with PEZ dispensers and licensed PEZ products. Also I will share tips on collecting PEZ that might help you along your PEZ collecting journey. #pez #pezdipsenser #pezcandy
