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Скачать с ютуб F-ONE | WE ARE ONE в хорошем качестве

F-ONE | WE ARE ONE 5 лет назад

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[SUBTITLES AVAILABLE - EN / FR] 23 years of trying out new things 18 years of trips around the world 2019 - We are One - 18 years ago we were going on trips to kiteboard. We were looking for places for one particular discipline. Then we added surfboards and SUPs to our boardbags. Foils changed completely our ways to ride and today Wing surfing has brought a whole new world of opportunities. By bringing all the riders, no matter their specialty, on the same spot at the same time, together we are one. We share that one passion which drives everything we do. We have entered a new chapter, it is all about sharing. Video by 15 Pearl Production (YouTube:    / @15pearlproduction61   / Vimeo: ) #fonekites #fone2020 #foneadventure #foneteam
