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work vlog 👜✨| realistic 9-5 work week, prioritizing self growth, ft. moft tripod weyatoons

‼️ MOFT Invisible Tripod Stand: Purchase the Invisible Tripod Stand for just $29.99—a fantastic deal with a $10 discount with my code “Weyatoons10BF” #corporategirlie #silentvlog #weyatoons #workvlog #moft #workcreateanywhere I am back guys! It has been a crazy October! Work load was crazy, I’ve been travelling and attending concerts and some days I’m just looking at the ceiling of my room thinking what am I doing with my life hahaha I hope you enjoy this vlog as much as I do! Love, Weya 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Let’s connect on instagram account: @weyatoons. 💐 please watch in HD: atleast 1080p 60fps PS: so much better in 2K resolution Uploaded file: 4K resolution 60fps 🎥 camera: Ip11, Ip14pm 💻 editor: vllo 🎧 credits to: Oneul - Little Fairy Garden Oneul - Penguin Adventure Oneul - Everybody Loves You    • Cute & Simple Piano Music : 통통튀는 귀여운 ...   #corporatelife #weeklyvlog #officegirl #productivevlog #manilavlog #edit #corporatelife #officegirl #workvlog #realisticworkvlog #banker #thatgirl #aestheticdeskmakeover #minimalistdeskmakeover #makativlog #book Subs count: 20,901 weyatoons youtube I how I survive the corporate world message for breadwinners success secrets to youtube how to become successful l prioritizing work life balance 2024 why I stayed in my 9-5 job for 9 years why a 9-5 job is okay why I cannot resign from my 9-5 job reasons to stay in my 9-5 job how much do I save as a corporate girlie savings investments financial wellness how much is my salary salary of a banker Work vlog work life of a corporate girlie morning routine 2024 goals planning my 5-9 after 9-5 after work vlog cozy night routine a day in a life work vlog working diaries Corporate Banker working in Manila makati working overtime, selfcare morning routine night routine work vlog realistic 9-5 office work life in Manila, weyatoons salary woman working in cafe romanticizing life audit banker life working in Makati Girl salary woman living alone in the philippines business administration corporate job hiring trending vlog weyatoons pomodoro study time work time work time lapse moving out moft tripod origami light tripod snap phone stand
