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Скачать с ютуб JBL Pulse 5 vs Flip 6 sound comparison💥🔥 в хорошем качестве

JBL Pulse 5 vs Flip 6 sound comparison💥🔥 1 год назад

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JBL Pulse 5 vs Flip 6 sound comparison💥🔥

These two JBL, Pulse 5 & Flip 6 may sound small of all JBL, but still desirable for people who look for something small more compact good sounding bluetooth speaker. The JBL Pulse series also don't sound as good as other JBL like Charge, Flip, Xtreme etc. Please watch the videp until the end and find out if the Pulse 5 can beat the Flip 6. ======================================================================== I am an amazon affiliate. If you like the item in the video and you like to purchase, support me and click the link below to purchase if you are in the United States To purchase JBL Charge 5 in the US: To purchase JBL Pulse 4 in the US: ========================================================================= MUSIC BY: NoCopyrightSounds NCS #jblbass #jbl #jblflip6 #jblpulse4
