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Incorporeal undead cursed by forbidden knowledge, the Allip is a versatile and dangerously malignant, intelligent but insane creature that unexpectedly unleashes psychic assaults on the minds of living victims. Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying 5E games benefit from some good backstory for the Allips in your campaign, to lend them some compelling lore of your own. Channel music by: https://bit.ly/2lusZNI Join the Discord community: https://discordapp.com/invite/HP8wgrq Become a patron: / themightygluestick Friend us on Facebook: / themightygluestick Email me: [email protected] Get Daily Discounts on Games (and support this channel) https://www.chrono.gg/AJ Shop for Mighty Gluestick Merchandise https://talentsy.store/ajpickett https://shop.spreadshirt.com/themight... Get top quality razors for a low monthly price at Patron Blades https://www.patronblades.com/the-migh...