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Kids, Watch What Can Happen If You Don’t Wear a Helmet! 5 лет назад

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Kids, Watch What Can Happen If You Don’t Wear a Helmet!

Head injury is the most common cause of death and serious disability from bike crashes. Wearing a properly fitted bicycle helmet can prevent nearly all head injuries. October, 2019 marks the Texas Medical Association's milestone of 25 years of giving hundreds of thousands of helmets to Texas children through the Hard Hats for Little Heads program, to keep them safe. This TMA video shows vividly how a helmet can protect a child’s head, in this case by using a melon. Some physicians use the melon-drop demonstration at schools and other Hard Hats giveaway events to provide a memorable illustration to encourage children to always wear a helmet when they ride. Get moving. Stay safe. Wear a helmet! For more info, visit
