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Скачать с ютуб Air Hunger + Adrenal Fatigue-- Why it happens and what to do about it! в хорошем качестве

Air Hunger + Adrenal Fatigue-- Why it happens and what to do about it! 3 года назад

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Air Hunger + Adrenal Fatigue-- Why it happens and what to do about it!

In this video, we are chatting about air hunger (dyspnea) or shortness of breath, a common symptom in our Adrenal Recovery Community. Danielle & Angela are joined by Dr. Holly German (a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in women's health and hormonal issues) to discuss why air hunger happens from a medical perspective and what you can do about it. If you find this video helpful, we'd love it if you'd give it a thumbs up 👍 so others can find it too and hit the subscribe button so each time we release a video you’re notified. ********************************************************************************* ♡WANT TO LEARN MORE? ⟡Watch our FREE Masterclass - 3 Steps for Balancing Your Hormones in the next 6 months ♡DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START? GRAB YOUR STARTER KIT HERE: ⟡ ♡JOIN OUR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP (FATIGUED TO FABULOUS PROGRAM) 👉Join our recovery membership - instant access to resources, meal plans, supplement guides + live coaching with integrative practitioners: ♡LOOKING FOR THE FREE GIFT WE MENTIONED? (Our systems have changed) ⟡Please email us at [email protected] to request the gift and we will send your way ♡SUBSCRIBE AND TURN ALL NOTIFICATIONS ON TO SEE NEW VIDEOS! ⟡   / @healyouradrenalfatigue   ♡GOT QUESTIONS, FEEL ALONE? JOIN OUR FREE RECOVERY FACEBOOK GROUP: ⟡  / 164510993890912   ♡EATING FOR ADRENAL RECOVERY ⟡   • Eating for Adrenal Fatigue Recovery -...   ⟡Get Danielle’s Cookbook - adrenal + hormone meal plans + recipes: ♡STRESS REDUCTION, MINDFUL & MEDITATION ⟡   • STOP THE CYCLE OF STRESS & FEAR WITH ...   ⟡ Get Angela’s meditation album - guided meditations + breathwork: ♡KEEP LEARNING ABOUT ADRENAL FATIGUE - CORTISOL, THE HIGHS THE LOWS ⟡   • CORTISOL 101 - The Highs, Lows & Symp...   ♡OUR PODCAST: (THE ADRENAL FATIGUE PODCAST): Our most popular episodes: ⟡Understanding Stages of Adrenal Fatigue w/Dr. German:    • The Adrenal Fatigue Podcast #1: The S...   ⟡How to Increase Energy When You Have Adrenal Fatigue:    • 5 Ways to Increase Your Energy When Y...   ⟡The Best Way to Exercise When You Have Adrenal Burnout:    • The Best Exercises For When You Have ...   ♡WANT TO WORK WITH US? ⟡Join our Fatigued 2 Fabulous Adrenal Recovery System - instant access to resources, meal plans, supplement guides + LIVE coaching: ⟡Apply for a free starter call with a coach ➡️ ♡GET DAILY TIPS ON SOCIAL ⟡  / theadrenalrecoverycollective   ♡WEBSITE ⟡ ♡CONTACT US ⟡[email protected] ♡FAQs: ⟡5 Simple Ways to Lower Cortisol -    • Adrenal Health - 5 Simple Ways to Low...   ⟡The Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue Recovery -    • The Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue Rec...   ⟡ How to Improve Digestion & Absorption with Adrenal Fatigue    • Improve Digestion - How to Improve Di...   ⟡Understanding the Stages -    • Understanding the Stages of Adrenal F...   ​​♡MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: ⟡
