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Скачать с ютуб 10 Cake Decorating Shortcuts в хорошем качестве

10 Cake Decorating Shortcuts 9 месяцев назад

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10 Cake Decorating Shortcuts

Skip the turntable, piping bags, textured cake combs, fancy stencils, custom cake boxes and more with these 10 cake decorating shortcuts! 💫Start your FREE 7 day trial on my cake school 🎂LEARN The Basics of Cake and The Basics of Buttercream in my most popular online courses! 👩🏼‍🍳My 4 Minute Buttercream recipe 📄READ a written version of this tutorial (with photos!) 0:00 Intro 0:13 Smooth frosting shortcut 0:51 Textured frosting shortcut 1:28 Turntable hack 1:52 Piping bag substitute 2:17 Piping tips shortcut 2:37 Coupler hack for multicoloured piping 3:37 Shortcut for piped flowers 4:22 Make your own cake stencils 5:47 Shortcut for flat cake layers 6:19 Tall cake box hack 🎥My tutorial on 7 Ways to Decorate Cake WITHOUT Smooth Frosting:    • 7 Ways to Decorate Cakes WITHOUT Smoo...   👍Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for a new cake decorating tutorial every week! 💬 SAY HI! Website: Instagram:   / britishgirlbakes  
