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Скачать с ютуб Corepunk - T3 Shaman Simultaneously Tanks and Heals Murder Bambi в хорошем качестве

Corepunk - T3 Shaman Simultaneously Tanks and Heals Murder Bambi 11 дней назад

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Corepunk - T3 Shaman Simultaneously Tanks and Heals Murder Bambi

Actual gear loadout is pretty suboptimal, could have more AP and armor. This isn't possible until 4-5 pieces of basic T3, Deer loot table was bugged early on and dropping T3 every kill when it should've been around 5% drop rate. In T2 gear you can either tank, or heal, but won't have the stat budget to do both. Talents - -- Watch live at   / skurgexd   Relevant Stats for Deer - 350-400 HSP, 150-200 Armor, 4-5k HP, otherwise as much AP/Crit/Pen as possible to hold threat.
