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Скачать с ютуб EVERYTHING you NEED to know about Set 13 Into the Arcane! | TFT - Teamfight Tactics в хорошем качестве

EVERYTHING you NEED to know about Set 13 Into the Arcane! | TFT - Teamfight Tactics 1 месяц назад

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EVERYTHING you NEED to know about Set 13 Into the Arcane! | TFT - Teamfight Tactics

Leveling Guide:    • 6 Leveling Strategies Every TFT Playe...   New Player Guide:    • BEGINNER GUIDE to Teamfight Tactics |...   Hyper Roll Tips:    • 7 Useful Tips to INSTANTLY Climb in H...   Coaching: TFT Data Site: 🔔SUBSCRIBE: 🐰MEMBERSHIPS: 💭Teamfight Tactics GUIDES: 🖥STREAM:   / bunnymuffinslol   🐥TWITTER:   / bunnymuffinslol   📷INSTAGRAM:   / bunnymuffinslol   ❗DISCORD:   / discord   ⚙️EQUIPMENT: (Buying any product after clicking my link helps my channel). Editor:   / pruette_scott   Editor 2: Discord - zornquad #tft #teamfighttactics 00:00 Anomalies 10:06 Portals 11:10 Traits 20:53 1 cost Champions 24:07 2 Cost Champions 27:36 3 Cost Champions 31:49 4 Cost Champions 35:52 5 Cost Champions 40:39 Silver Augments 45:34 Gold Augments 58:10 Prismatic Augments 01:04:19 Items 01:04:55 Misc Changes 01:05:43 Outro
