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Скачать с ютуб #6 Portugal | scouting homestead in Fundão, Castelo Branco to emigrate | Part III в хорошем качестве

#6 Portugal | scouting homestead in Fundão, Castelo Branco to emigrate | Part III 1 год назад

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#6 Portugal | scouting homestead in Fundão, Castelo Branco to emigrate | Part III

This is the third part of our search in Fundão, Castelo Branco in Portugal. And all the way back to the Beja District to our next rental location which was a Shepherd's hut!! AND it was HOT in the HUT!! Follow our journey and our dream to find a house and live in Portugal. Ultimately, we want to live sustainably. And start living off the land and nature. But for that we first need a suitable place where we can grow old together. We hope to inspire others to do the same. Or maybe you have already taken the step and you can share your experiences with us. Follow us in our search of many km's. Maybe we found something yet! Thanks for watching! Remember to like and subscribe if you enjoy our videos it will help to grow our channel! XX Jack & Ramona #doityourself #followthedream #Portugal #Livingsustainable #emigration #secondfaseoflive #DutchiesgoPortugese #livingoftheland #buyahouseinportugal #emigrate #português #roadtrip #vacation #followthedream #holiday #Fundão #castelobranco #castelobrancoportugal #centralportugal #rentalproperty #rentahouse #movingtoportugal #movingtoeurope #propertyforsale #property #properties #propertyinvestment #propertytour #portugallovers #portugallife #shepherdhut Link: Extra link Shepherd's hut: Chapters 0:00 Viewing a house in Fundão district 7:25 The shepherd's hut in Beja district
