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Honda vs Kawasaki | Kawasaki Ninja 650 vs Honda CBR650R |

Honda vs Kawasaki | Kawasaki Ninja 650 vs Honda CBR650R. The new Kawasaki 650 Ninja and the Honda CBR650R offer all-round thrills at a value price... but which sporty middleweight motorcycle deserves your money? is the #1 online motorcycle website for news, reviews, and all things motorbike with 1 million monthly users and growing. We’re best known for covering all the latest motorcycles launches and bike industry announcements, breaking motorbikes news, first ride, and road test. One million monthly bikers and growing! Follow us on Twitter -   / visordown   Follow us on Instagram -   / visordown   Like us on Facebook -   / visordown   _______________________________________________________________________________________________ is the #1 online motorcycle website for news, reviews, and all things motorbike with 1 million monthly users and growing. We’re best known for covering all the latest motorcycles launches and bike industry announcements, breaking motorbikes news, first ride, and road test. One million monthly bikers and growing!
