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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 60 FPS Patch Review PS5 3 недели назад

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 60 FPS Patch Review PS5

Assassin's Creed Syndicate can now run at a smooth 60 frames per second on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, thanks to a free patch out now for the console versions. Additionally, players on Xbox Series X, PS5, and PS5 Pro can experience the spectacle of Victorian London in full 4K resolution at 60 FPS, breathing new life into the game's cobblestone streets and massive Industrial Age structures Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a 2015 action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Quebec and published by Ubisoft. It was released on October 23, 2015, for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on November 19, 2015, for Windows. 0:00 Pre Patch 7:15 60FPS
