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How Jack Kirby Created the Fourth World

WATCH THE FULL DOCUMENTARY ▶ 'MISTER MIRACLE - A Love Letter to Jack Kirby'    • MISTER MIRACLE - A Love Letter to Jac...   In this video, Owen explains the history of the Fourth World, the real reason why Jack Kirby left Marvel for DC Comics, and how the visionary tales of the New Gods, Mister Miracle and the Forever People were brought to life. SUBSCRIBE to Owen Likes Comics ▶ ▶ Support the Channel:   / owenlikescomics   ▶ Make a one-time donation at Ko-Fi: ▶ Watch More Owen Likes Comics: Comic Case Studies:    • Comic Case Studies   Latest Videos:    • Latest Videos   Marvel Videos:    • Marvel Videos   DC Videos:    • DC Videos   ▶ Music Used:   / chris-mazuera-equinox #JackKirby #DC #ComicBooks
