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Antique Book Rescue - Transforming a 130-Year-Old Book - FINALE 1 день назад

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Antique Book Rescue - Transforming a 130-Year-Old Book - FINALE

Hello everyone, welcome back! In this, the final installment of the Book Rescue series, I'll get this book into better-than-new condition with a 3/4 leather and cloth binding, some tasteful blind tooling, and some 24-karat gold lettering on the spine. It's been quite an adventure bringing this book from nearly-destroyed in Scotland to fully rebound in Canada, so I hope you like the final result! If you've been enjoying my videos and would like to support me directly, you can do so via one of the links below. It's of course totally optional, but every contribution helps me to make my videos better, and more often, so thank you in advance! You could Buy Me a Coffee here: Or drop a tip in my PayPal account: Thank you to everyone who has liked, commented and subscribed on this series so far, and to those of you who have yet to do so, but are going to very soon, right? I knew you would. Thank you. Until next time, Cheers, Dennis ________ Follow me on social media: Instagram   / four_keys_books   Facebook   / fourkeysbookarts   ________ My Wheat Flour Paste Recipe 2 tbsp (18 g) white flour (strong flour or bread flour preferred) 1 cup (250 ml) water Combine the flour and water in a double boiler or bain-marie and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, whisking constantly until thick and smooth. Transfer to a clean jar and cool completely. When cooled the paste should be solid, with a jelly-like consistency. Force the cooled paste through a sieve 2-3 times until smooth. Add a bit of water to thin to the desired consistency if necessary. Store in the refrigerator and use within 2-3 days.
