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Gyro stabilization in Blackmagic cameras 7.9 update 2 года назад

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Gyro stabilization in Blackmagic cameras 7.9 update

Along with the Pocket Cinema camera G2 announcement, Blackmagic Design has also released Blackmagic Camera 7.9 which adds the following features for the PocketCinema Camera 4K, 6K and 6K Pro: Added new updated user interface Added support for focus assist intensity adjustments via sliders Added support for custom presets and LUTs to be retained after software updates from this release onwards Improved lens and auto focus performance And now with a new 18.5 version of Davinci Resolve you can use gyro information in your raw footage to use gyro stabilization. Here are some tests and early thoughts. 0:00 - Intro 0:52 - Test footage Camera Blackmagic 4k Lens Sigma 18-35
