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A Week in the Life of a Trucker. Travelling Tuesday. UK Trucking 8 дней назад

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A Week in the Life of a Trucker. Travelling Tuesday. UK Trucking

#hgv #hgvdriver #uktrucking In this video, a week in the life of a trucker. Its Tuesday. and were off to Scotland. As a HGV Truck Driver in the UK, trucking across the country can be challenging especially when its down tight, narrow county lanes. Join me as I take you along, showing you the loading and unloading, difficult manoeuvres as well as the other challenges that I face on a day to day basis and what I have to do to ovecome them. If you enjoy the content dont forget it give it a like and why not leave a comment asking any questions you have about becoming HGV Driver and life on the road. Vlog 336
