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The Importance of Support Group - Part 1 - Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation 5 лет назад

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The Importance of Support Group - Part 1 - Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation

Please subscribe my channel at:    / kmeganiztv   Keep in touch with me join my Facebook page:   / kmeganiz   Follow me on Instagram:   / kmeganiz   #supportgroup #cancersurvivor In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help, usually nonprofessional and nonmaterial, for a particular shared, usually burdensome, characteristic. Members with the same issues can come together for sharing coping strategies, to feel more empowered and for a sense of community. Every human created to not live alone. So we need people surrounding us to kept us healthy, in a way mentally healthy. Everyone need emotional support. Support group is important for me to be cancer free. Not only emotional support, but also a lot of advices I can get from the other cancer survivor that I met at support group. One of support group I share in part 1 is Kampung Senang, please visit their website at: Every Wednesday I attending their members day (, start to get support from there. There I experience exercise together and enjoy a healthy breakfast, a bowl of healthy brown rice porridge. Not only satisfy your physical also your inner, by listening to their educational programme. If I never experience cancer, I won't be able to get to know this place, which I was introduced by a friend after she knew I diagnosed with cancer. Up till now I still receiving ABC (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot) as their beneficiary. I am giving back to community by being their volunteer. You also can involve and give a helping hand. You are welcome to join us every Wednesday, start 7.45am, to 12pm, join the programme and activities at Kampung Senang, especially if you bring your love one who need support for their health condition. My goal is to be cancer free and healthy from inside and out. So we are not only look of what we eat for physical body but also what we listen for our spirit. I will continue share of other support group I have that help me a lot in my cancer survivor journey. You can find me in Facebook:   / katherin.meganis   Please comment and share this video to people who you think can benefit from what I share. Thank you
