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Season 11 JUNGLE: Everything You NEED To Know! | New Items League of Legends

🔵 All you need to know about the NEW SEASON 11 JUNGLE CHANGES and NEW JUNGLE ITEMS! 🔵 Join me on Planet9! 🔵 Support with Patreon:   / virkayu   🔵 Gameplay/Coaching Channel:    / @virkayugameplay   🔵 Stream:   / virkayu   🔵 Become a member! :    / @virkayu   I discuss in-depth about the Season 11 Jungle changes including the new items, removal of old jungle items, smite upgrades, gromp and scuttle changes, krug changes, new items how it effects the jungle including the how the kiting change will affect you and talking about how to jungle in Season 2021! I also compare clear speeds from Season 11 to Season 10! Link to numbers: What would you like to see in the next lesson? Suggest a topic or champion in the comment section below! I am also a voice for Mobalytics! 🔵 Become a member! :    / @virkayu   🔴 Donate: 🔴 Discord:   / discord   🔴 I’m part of the official League of Legends Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here: #season11jungleguide #leagueoflegendsseason11 #season11jungle #season11jungleitems #leagueoflegends #virkayu #junglechanges #Planet9 Intro Music: Kayn Theme Music Backgound music: Death and Rebirth ( as well as assorted tracks from __ Follow me on Twitter and Instagram:   / virkayu     / virkayu  
