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Best Things To Do in Atlantic City, NJ 2025!

Planning a trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 2025? We’ve created a three-day itinerary that will help you experience the top things to do in Atlantic City all year round! Discover the best places to eat, where to stay and the must-see attractions that make this vibrant city a must-visit travel destination. Explore the iconic Atlantic City Boardwalk, try your luck at the lively casinos, enjoy thrilling entertainment, relax on beautiful beaches, and so much more. Whether you're visiting for a weekend or an extended getaway, this guide ensures you make the most of your time in Atlantic City. Plus, with its convenient location just a two-hour drive from New York City, it makes for the perfect getaway! Visit Atlantic City received funding through a grant from the NJ Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism. Atlantic City, NJ Ultimate Guide Chapter List: (note: this is a chapter list so viewers can skip around and come back to diff sections easily) 00:00- Intro 00:18- Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa Tour 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, NJ 01:31- Walk the Atlantic City Boardwalk 02:18- Lunch: Cardinal 201 New York Ave, Atlantic City, NJ 04:09- Dinner: Old Homestead Steakhouse Inside the Borgata 06:09- Post Dinner Drinks: Long Bar Inside the Borgata 06:20- Breakfast: Gilchrist 804 N Rhode Island Ave 07:11- Morning Activity: Island Water Park & Lucky Snake Arcade and Raceway Showboat Resort 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 08:57- Lunch- Tennessee Avenue Beer Hall 133 S Tennessee Ave Atlantic City, NJ 10:48- Orange Loop Tour on the Jitney 11:12- The Seed: A Living Beer Project 807 Baltic Ave, Atlantic City, NJ 12:36- Self-Guided Mural Tour http://www.atlanticcityartsfoundation... 12:55- Dinner: Dock's Oyster House 2405 Atlantic Ave, Atlantic City, NJ 14:12- Post Dinner: The Hook By Spiegelworld 1909 Boardwalk, Caesars Atlantic City, Warner Theater 15:07- Breakfast: Hayday Coffee 155 S New York Ave Atlantic City, NJ 16:35- Lunch: White House Subs 2301 Arctic Ave, Atlantic City, NJ
