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Скачать с ютуб NEW SONGS and HOW TO PROMOTE THEM | DistroKid HyperFollow в хорошем качестве

NEW SONGS and HOW TO PROMOTE THEM | DistroKid HyperFollow 4 года назад

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NEW SONGS and HOW TO PROMOTE THEM | DistroKid HyperFollow

Hi, in this video I would like to share some new plans I have for my demo songs and how I’m gonna promote them, using the HyperFollow feature of DistroKid! Please don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell for my future releases! Link to DistroKid with 7% discount for you: Link to streaming services where you can buy or stream the song: Link to a playlist of my songs:    • Leo Streaming songs   Link to my video about how to use DistroKid:    • How to sell your music online   #DistroKid #HyperFollow
