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【ENG】Chasing Hemingway | Romantic Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH

【Chinese Name】遭遇海明威 【Starring】 韩宝凛 Bo-Reum Han / 高曙光 Gao Shuguang / 郭鹏 Guo Peng 【Synopsis】Yi Lian, who lives on writing, met a mysterious single uncle Xia Qingyuan in Dali. Elaine, who looks ghostly but has a sensual and artistic heart, finds that she can't figure out this enigmatic silence, but falls in love deeply. Xia Qingyuan, who had just been released from prison, was still immersed in the trough of his life. Yi Lian entered his life like a warm current by mistake, and clamored no longer to leave. This made him feel both uncomfortable and long-lost warmth. The admiration for Hemingway linked the two of them together, and "can only be destroyed but not defeated" became their belief in life. Just when Xia Qingyuan re-established his own life and walked toward a better life together, Elaine walked away. Alien, no longer appear. Xia Qingyuan, who didn't know where he was but firmly guarded his beloved, followed Hemingway's footsteps to Cuba. Will he still see Elaine? Can their relationship be consistent? In the vast sea of ​​people, how will fate arrange their ending? #遭遇海明威 #ChasingHemingway #ChinaMovieChannelENGLISH #ChineseMovie #movie #romantic 📢Watch more Chinese movies with English subtitles on China Movie Channel ENGLISH. 👉SUBSCRIBE China Movie Channel ENGLISH: 👉Follow China Movie Facebook on:   / 1905go   🔥Trending🔥 《The Fox》:    • 【ENG SUB】The Fox | Action Movie | Chi...   《Anti Terrorism Special Forces 2》:    • 【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | Anti-Terrorism Sp...   《Ms.Bodyguards:The IT Manic》:    • 【ENG】Ms.Bodyguards:The IT Manic | Act...   《Little Tigers》:    • 【ENG】Little Tigers | Action Movie | C...   《The King of Fighters》:    • 【ENG】ACTION MOVIE | The King of Fight...   《Princess's Romance》:    • Princess's Romance | History | War | ...   《The Unexpected》:    • 【ENG】The Unexpected | Drama | China M...   《An Flying Arrow》:    • An Flying Arrow | Drama | China Movie...   《A Blind Hero》:    • A Blind Hero | China Movie Channel EN...   《Man Hunter》:    • NEW ACTION MOVIE | Man Hunter | China...   《If You were Here》:    • 【ENG SUB】If You were Here | Chinese D...   《Desperate Rescue》:    • Desperate Rescue | Crime | Action | C...   🔒Subscribe here🔒 ★The Official Chinese movies - CCTV6 China Movie Official Channel: ★The hottest Chinese movies - 1905 Movie Theater: ★The guide to life that knows you best - 东PIN西凑凑China Live: ★The most exciting series of movies - 电视电影Movie Series: ★The most authentic Chinese movie in Vietnamese - Điện Ảnh Trung Quốc: ★The most authentic Chinese movie in Indonesian - FILM CINA:
