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Скачать с ютуб The New Ogre Kingdoms Troops & What They Do - Omens of Destruction - Total War Warhammer 3 в хорошем качестве

The New Ogre Kingdoms Troops & What They Do - Omens of Destruction - Total War Warhammer 3 9 дней назад

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The New Ogre Kingdoms Troops & What They Do - Omens of Destruction - Total War Warhammer 3

In this video we'll have our FIRST LOOK at the brand new units and characters for the OGRE KINGDOMS in Omens of Destruction the brand new DLC! Ogre Units TIMESTAMPS 00:00 -0 01:36 - Intro 01:36 - 03:25 - Paymaster 03:25 - 05:32 - Bruiser 05:32 - 07:17 - Pigback Riders 07:17 - 08:56 - Blood Vultures 08:56 - 10:49 - Yhetees 10:49 - 12:37 - Golgfag's Maneaters 12:37 - 14:54 - Thundertusk 14:54 - 16:25 - Bragg The Gutsman 16:25 - Golgfag & Outro Instant Gaming Link: Giveaway Link: The New Ogre Kingdoms Troops & What They Do - Omens of Destruction - Total War Warhammer 3 #totalwar #warhammer3 #newdlc Want to support the channel or find us on social media? Check out the links below: ‣ Consider supporting us on Patreon:   / thegreatbookofgrudges   Special thanks to our Patrons: Fabi, faithlessberserker, Gibraltar LUSC, Ryan Bertsche, Mike7676, Monkeyman, VIKRAM SRINIVASAN, TheSaltyCanadian, Valk, Rowan, Naldor, BearlyTactical Want to support the channel while also getting stuff for your hobby needs? Check out our affliate ELEMENT GAMES! Get 15-25% off Warhammer and other brands now! ‣ Use the code below for double gems which will eventually bag you some free stuff! THE3476 ‣ Element Games - Homepage ‣ Element Games - Warhammer products Official Warhammer Merch: Check out our social media links below: ‣ Discord:   / discord   ‣ FB:   / the-great-book-of-grudges-1450833238345945   ‣ Instagram: TheGreatBookofGrudges ‣ Instagram: nathanthegreatbook ‣ Twitter: @TGrudges Channel art by MaxOnMars:   / max.on.mars   Music used on current videos: Bensound's music licensed under the Creative Commons License Thanks again for stopping by!
