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Bond Yields to Go Meaningfully Higher: Morgan Stanley IM’s Weinstein 2 месяца назад

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Bond Yields to Go Meaningfully Higher: Morgan Stanley IM’s Weinstein

Brian Weinstein, head of global markets at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, sees it taking a little while longer for bond yields to rise as he says, “I don’t think we’ve seen the highs in yields for this longer cycle yet.” Sign up for the Surveillance newsletter to make sense of the markets with Lisa Abramowicz and catch the best on-air moments with her and co-hosts Tom Keene and Jonathan Ferro from Bloomberg Television’s flagship morning show. Plus, David Westin's Wall Street Week on Saturdays. -------- More on Bloomberg Television and Markets Like this video? Subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos from Bloomberg Markets & Finance: Visit for business news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more. Connect with Bloomberg Television on: X:   / bloombergtv   Facebook:   / bloombergtelevision   Instagram:   / bloombergtv   Connect with Bloomberg Business on: X:   / business   Facebook:   / bloombergbusiness   Instagram:   / bloombergbusiness   TikTok: Reddit:   / bloomberg   LinkedIn:   / bloomberg-news   More from Bloomberg: Bloomberg Radio:   / bloombergradio   Bloomberg Surveillance:   / bsurveillance   Bloomberg Politics:   / bpolitics   Bloomberg Originals:   / bbgoriginals   Watch more on YouTube: Bloomberg Technology:    / @bloombergtechnology   Bloomberg Originals:    / @business   Bloomberg Quicktake:    / @bloombergquicktake   Bloomberg Espanol:    / @bloomberg_espanol   Bloomberg Podcasts:    / @bloombergpodcasts  
