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[Behind the Scenes] Song Joong-ki pulls Jeon Yeo-been into his arms | Vincenzo [ENG SUB]

Feel the wrath of Jeon Yeo-been’s powerful high-kicks, watch as Kwak Dong-yeon puts his duck communciation skills to the test, and see who wins Song Joong-ki and Ok Taek-yeon’s spicy noodle face-off! 🔥 Also, leave it to the Babel brothers to show us just how exciting a workout session can be 😉 #Vincenzo #TheSwoon #Kdrama Subscribe to The Swoon: Follow The Swoon on Instagram:   / theswoonnetflix   Watch Vincenzo on Netflix: ABOUT THE SWOON Welcome to The Swoon, your all-access pass behind the scenes of your favorite Korean and Asian dramas. Get up close and personal with the stars. Tell us what you love to watch, what endings made you want to tear your hair out, and what keeps you coming back for more, ever optimistic that the next one will be The One. For the fans. Powered by Netflix. All biases welcome. *Shows featured might not be available in all markets.
