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Скачать с ютуб 郭蘅祈(郭子) - 四無量心《祈菩行》 / KuoHeng Chi - The Four Immeasurables "Buddha Activity" в хорошем качестве

郭蘅祈(郭子) - 四無量心《祈菩行》 / KuoHeng Chi - The Four Immeasurables "Buddha Activity" 14 лет назад

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郭蘅祈(郭子) - 四無量心《祈菩行》 / KuoHeng Chi - The Four Immeasurables "Buddha Activity"

暌違歌壇13年的音樂創作才子 再次唱出來自肺腑深處心音樂! 祈菩行首張雙CD巨獻『慈愛如母』、『摯愛如父』 將感念諸佛菩薩與上師的祈願,化為首首詩歌! 還記得曾以『兒童樂園』、『鴿子與海』...等專輯,『原來你什麼都不要』、『祝福』­、『親愛的你怎麼不在我身邊』...等歌曲,感動你我的音樂創作者嗎?現今受 十七世大寶法王、明就多傑仁波切、八蚌泰錫度仁波切,欽點錄音製作與導演的『 郭子』,即將以『郭蘅祈』這個名字重新出發,譜寫並演唱最虔誠的音樂作品,將古老傳承­的佛教經詩與心咒,重新用現代新古典流行曲風,結合北京管弦樂團,演繹出首首氣勢磅礡­,歌聲感動的驚人樂章。此專輯內附詳細中英文解說,攝影作品與創作緣起。 四無量心The Four Immeasurables 願一切有情具樂及樂因 願一切有情離苦及苦因 願一切有情具喜及喜因 願一切有情遠離怨親愛憎 常住大平等捨 May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes, May all sentient beings be free from suffering and its causes. May all sentient beings be inseparable with joy, which is without suffering. May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger. 詠給.明就仁波切『世界上最快樂得人』這本書,闡述仁波切從小如何從一個有恐慌症的人,透過佛法與禪修練習控制自我,如何在無常的現世裡,隨之無憂動盪卻不動『心』,而達到永保快樂的境界,當然,這也通過了西洋科學的測試與證實。對於不善閱讀的我,這是一本長而沈重的書,當我斷斷續續、慢慢細讀,靈光乍現,時而清明,時而剎那,而讀到此書最後結語時,竟是古老的祈願『四無量心』,我突然明瞭,快樂的源頭,來自於『願你---』,而非『願我---』。 願『你』無『我』,也就沒了怨憎親疏,所以,自然快樂。 In Venerable MingyurRinpoche's book "The Joy of Living", he told us how, through his practice of meditation, he solved his childhood panic problem and kept his mind still and peaceful in this impermanent changing world and with joyfulness. This was also examined and proved by western science. I'm not a person who is good at reading and the book looked quite long and thick, so I tried to read it on and off. Sometimes the meaning would appear very clearly to me, sometimes fleetingly clear. It was when I reached the last part of the book I found the prayer of the Four Immeasurables and then I realized...the source of happiness comes from "wish you...and... May you" instead of "wish I...or...may I". Once we are selfless in our wish for the goodness of all beings without an "I" involved, then of course there is no cause for separation between enemies and loved ones. Then happiness will arise naturally. 祈菩行   / buddhaactivity   #郭蘅祈 #四無量心 #祈菩行 ---------------------------------------­----------------------------------------------------- 【購買CD】 ►風潮音樂: ►博客來: ►pchome: ►誠品: 【購買數位音樂】 ►iTunes: ►kkbox: ►omusic: ►mymusic: ---------------------------------------­----------------------------------------------------- 加入風潮音樂社群: 風潮音樂:  / windmusic   Fun數位@風潮音樂:  / digifun.windmusic   風潮音樂G+: Join us at facebook:   / windmusic.intl   Follow us at Twitter:  / windmusicus   ---------------------------------------­----------------------------------------------------- 編曲Arrangement:屠穎Max Tu 和聲Choir:馬毓芬Polar Ma林俊逸 音樂:郭蘅祈(郭子) / 四無量心(選自《祈菩行》專輯) 攝影:Aden、郭蘅祈 影片企劃:歐佳華、梁哲嘉 影片製作:梁哲嘉
