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Скачать с ютуб 1986 K-5 Blazer Ascender - 1/10 4WD Scale Truck RTR в хорошем качестве

1986 K-5 Blazer Ascender - 1/10 4WD Scale Truck RTR 10 лет назад

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1986 K-5 Blazer Ascender - 1/10 4WD Scale Truck RTR

In the world of scale RC off-road trucks, ‘close enough’ just won’t cut it. Bodies must look authentic and the chassis has to be able to handle anything a full-scale truck could. This ready-to-run, 1/10-scale version of a lifted Chevrolet® K-5 Blazer delivers all that and more. At the heart of its realistic off-road performance is the Vaterra® Ascender™ chassis. This innovative platform takes scaler technology to new heights with features like stamped-steel ladder frames, an adjustable wheelbase, a metal gear transmission and one of the most capable off-road suspensions available. For more information on the Vaterra 1986 K-5 Blazer Ascender RTR visit: Follow us on Facebook:   / vaterra.rc  
