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90min of JDM Cars at SEMA 2023 | Full Vlog w/ McRib47

There were so many JDM and Import cars on display at this years SEMA I had to split it up and show you just how many awesome builds came out. I spent the entire day with ‪@McRib47‬ walking through SEMA to look at the car we enjoy most. There were so many booths with everything from crazy all carbon EV builds to all Carbon GTR's, a dual engine, Kswapped 350z and a super cool Time Attack Kei Truck. This years SEMA ended up incredible and I had a great day hanging out with friends and talking about JDM cars. This was a great pre-warn up for Tokyo Auto Salon which is only 2 months aways. Comment below and let me know what you thought of the event. Enjoy!! My other Social Media Blog - IG - kanaracing Merch - Music Saints by CUSHY ‪@Honda‬ ‪@ArtofAttack‬ ‪@GReddyUSA‬ ‪@LarryChenPhoto‬ #rsfuture #artofattack #honda #carsandcoffee #cars #carsofinstagram #jdm #jdmcars #jdmculture #jdmlifestyle #jdmlife #stance #initald #rhd #usdm #usdmsupermeet #spocom #wekfest #wekfestla
