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You WON'T BELIEVE How Effective Jigs Are for Singapore Fishing

Join our dedicated fishing enthusiasts community over at MMSB fishing channel: Jig used: Assist Hook used: MMSB Gomu no Aji: In this episode, we do a quick shore jigging session in the southern waters of Singapore, Marina Cruise Centre (MCC) Area to Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE). 0:00 Introduction 1:00 How to catch rabbit fish 1:37 Being clowns pt.1 2:15 Boat Dock Area along MCE 4:30 Being clowns pt.2 Here are more advantages of Tungsten Jig over Lead Jigs: Tungsten has a higher density than lead, allowing for smaller jig sizes while maintaining the same weight. This smaller profile is less obtrusive and can be more appealing to fish, especially in clear waters or heavily fished areas. Additionally, tungsten's high density provides enhanced sensitivity, enabling anglers to feel the bottom structure and detect bites with greater precision. This increased sensitivity can lead to better strike detection and a higher catch rate. Tungsten is also non-toxic and more environmentally friendly than lead, which poses significant risks to wildlife and ecosystems. The use of tungsten jigs thus reduces the environmental impact of fishing. These jigs are highly effective in various fishing conditions, including deep waters and fast currents. Their compact size and heightened sensitivity make them versatile tools in an angler's tackle box. MMSB sharp assist hooks feature BKK hooks combined with glow-in-the-dark tinsels, making them highly attractive to pelagic fish in Singapore. These hooks mimic the movement of bait fish, fluttering and dancing with the current to entice predators. They are equipped with custom BKK Pike hooks (barbed), known for their exceptional sharpness, and are coated with Bright Tin to resist saltwater corrosion. The S and M sizes are ideal for the Metal Slug TG jig. The shiny tinsels are highly reflective in sunlight and paired with white tinsels to stand out in the water and imitate the movement of a fish. Perfect for both inshore and offshore fishing, these hooks are designed to flutter harmoniously with the current, enticing nearby pelagic or reef fish. Strong and Sharp Hooks: Crafted from high-carbon steel, our hooks are strong and durable, with razor-sharp points that easily penetrate the fish's mouth.
