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Скачать с ютуб Tamiya's Best Ever Crawler? Unboxing The Rock Socker CR-01 4x4x4 Kit 58592 в хорошем качестве

Tamiya's Best Ever Crawler? Unboxing The Rock Socker CR-01 4x4x4 Kit 58592 2 года назад

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Tamiya's Best Ever Crawler? Unboxing The Rock Socker CR-01 4x4x4 Kit 58592

With its monster truck looks you might be mistaken for thinking it was just that, but no the CR-01 chassis with its planetary central transfer box and rock crawling tyres point to a capable crawler. Is this one better than the Tamiya CC-02, well time will only tell? In this video, we unbox the Rock Socker and see what you get for your money. I have never built a CR-01 on the show before and to be honest, this one is totally new on me. This kit was purchased by RCKicks at cost. No restrictions have been placed on RCKicks. My opinions in this video are that of my own. You can find way more content from RCKicks on the below links as well as help support the RCKicks channel by becoming a Kicker Patreon: Patreon:   / rckicks   Or Buy RCKicks A Coffee: Or RCKicks channel support tip via Paypal: [email protected] More content from RCKicks. RCKicks Facebook Page:   /   RCKicks Group Page:   / 449280332477997   RCKicks Instagram:   / rckickscom   #Tamiya #RCKicks #RockSocker
