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DOLE PLANTATION Drone Video - Best Things to Do in Oahu, Hawaii 5 лет назад

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DOLE PLANTATION Drone Video - Best Things to Do in Oahu, Hawaii

In 1901, James Dole opened his first pineapple plantation right here in Oahu - just 7 years after the overthrow of the last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Queen Liliʻuokalani - and called it The Hawaiian Pineapple Company. The current site offered a fruit stand in 1950 and opened their 'Pineapple Experience' in 1989. Today, the more than one-million visitors to the plantation each year can check out the Pineapple Express Train Tour, Plantation Garden Tour, Pineapple Garden Maze and, of course, taste some of the most delicious and freshest pineapples on earth. If you want to try some unique takes on Hawaiian favorites, definitely check out the Plantation Grille, which features the must-try Dole Whip.
