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6 Steps To Become Professional Nanny 2 года назад

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6 Steps To Become Professional Nanny

Hey guys so welcome to, or back to my channel! This video is for those who are interested in becoming a professional nanny. I will lay out the 5-6 steps needed to become a nanny in this video. I will briefly outline what is discussed in the video. If you would like more detail make sure you watch the video! Please like, comment and subscribe if you got value from this video! Childcare experience Letters of reference Consider a child related degree/ trainings and certifications Know the basics of working with families Familiarize yourself with the rates in your area for your skillset Create a “CV” Curriculum Vita At 3:07 I said Emilia Reggio but I meant to say Reggio Emilia so that was a typo oops Bonus tip #1 * Google household staffing agencies Household staffing agencies Bonus tip #2 * Specialize in an area that may benefit a family such as a different language, playing instruments, teaching, home schooling, montessori, RIE, baby nurse, sleep training, etc #facebook   / taniqualpurdie   #Instagram Watch next video on what are placement agencies to understand their part in all of this! Thanks for watching!
