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Prodoshe Satyanarayan Puja | প্রদোষে সত্যনারায়ণ পূজা

Welcome to Bengali Puja Path..... This video is about timing for performing Sri Satyanarayana Puja. Sri Satyanarayana is performed for the divine blessings relief from troubles. It can also be performed to seek blessings for success in business or career growth; during social functions like marriages, house-warming ceremonies, the naming of the children and so on. Sri Satya Narayana puja is a very popular ritual in most parts of India. The Satyanarayan puja can be performed on any day for any reason. The ritual is usually performed on the Full moon day, Ekadashi or Saṅkrānti. It is also performed on special occasions and during times of achievements, as an offering of gratitude to the Lord. Performing this puja during Pradosh is considered more appropriate. Please know more in this video. Thank you so much for watching... Our Social Links: Subscribe to our channel:    / bengalipujapath   Follow us on Facebook:   / pujapath15   Follow us on Instagram:   / bengalipujapath   Email us on [email protected] Our some other videos... Bengali Puja Path - An Introduction    • Bengali Puja Path - An Introduction   Saraswati Puja Playlist    • Saraswati Puja   Famous Temples    • Famous Temples   Shri Vishnu Puja    • Shri Vishnu Puja   Ma Kali Puja    • Ma Kali Puja   Ramayan and Hanuman ji    • Ramayan and Hanumanji   Shashti Puja    • Shashti Puja   Gharer Puja    • Gharer Puja   Special Occasion Puja    • Special Occasion Puja   Annual Puja    • Annual Puja   Satyanarayan Puja    • Satyanarayan Puja   Religious Sects of Bengal    • Religious Sects of Bengal   Ma Thakurmar Katha    • Ma Thakurmar Katha   Amader Adda    • Amader Adda   Shiv Puja    • Shiv Puja   প্রতি বৃহস্পতিবারের লক্ষ্মী পূজা, মন্ত্র ও পাঁচালি পাঠ | নিত্য পূজা | Lokkhi Puja every Thursday    • প্রতি বৃহস্পতিবারের লক্ষ্মী পূজা মন্ত...   নীল ষষ্টী | Neel Shashti Puja Vidhi | সন্তানের দীর্ঘায়ু কামনার ষষ্ঠী পূজা | নীল ষষ্টী পুজো বিধি    • নীল ষষ্টী পুজো বিধি | Neel Shashti Pu...   Jamai Shashti | Jamai Babu    • Jamai Shashti | Jamai Babu | জামাই ষষ...   Nitya Puja Sampurna Padhhati    • নিত্য পূজা সম্পূর্ণ পদ্ধতি | নিত্য পূ...   #bengalipujapath #প্রদোষেসত্যনারায়ণপূজা #সত্যনারায়ণপূজা #bengaliculture #bengalipuja #bengalitradition
