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harmonic delightful sounds #4 Space Ambient

This is the forth ambient track video of Ambient music series. For this peace of work I wanted it to be more space related, that it would sort of take you into deep, space, other galaxy like. I like galaxy , other planets and space themed things, so tried my best to make it as high quality as I can. And the music here is full of sounds that helps to concentrate, focus, leave all distractions behind. If you seek for perfect ambience to study, work, or do any activity that requires full concentration- this video will do and help you to achieve it. And, If you like what I do, please like 👍 this video and subscribe🙌 to my channel. Watch my other ✨Ambient Music Videos: 3️⃣    • Deep Dark Ambient Music #3 | Study, w...   2️⃣    • Harmonic Delightful Sounds #2 || For ...   1️⃣    • Harmonic Delightful Sounds #1 || For ...  
