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Скачать с ютуб Fresh clashes erupt in Nalanda’s Bihar Sharif; section 144 imposed; 106 people arrested so far в хорошем качестве

Fresh clashes erupt in Nalanda’s Bihar Sharif; section 144 imposed; 106 people arrested so far 1 год назад

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Fresh clashes erupt in Nalanda’s Bihar Sharif; section 144 imposed; 106 people arrested so far

Section 144 was imposed in Nalanda’s Bihar Sharif after fresh clashes erupted in the area yesterday night. The police have arrested 106 people in connection with the violence so far. ► Subscribe to The Economic Times for the latest video updates. It's free! - ► More Videos @ ETTV - ► ► For business news on the go, download ET app: Follow ET on: ► Facebook -   / economictimes   ► Twitter -   / economictimes   ► LinkedIn -   / economictimes   ► Instagram -   / the_economic_times   ► Flipboard - #news #latestnews #economictimes #ET #TheEconomicTimes #businessnews
