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Скачать с ютуб The New Tinkatink MASS OUTBREAK EVENT is live in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! в хорошем качестве

The New Tinkatink MASS OUTBREAK EVENT is live in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! 2 недели назад

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The New Tinkatink MASS OUTBREAK EVENT is live in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!

The newest Mass outbreak event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has started, this time there is no shiny boost but it is still the best time to shiny hunt for Shiny Tinkatink! You are also more likely to find one with the "Ferocious Mark". This video will show the best ways to hunt for each of these Pokemon! Subscribe here:    / @tcgtrainersau   Shop here: Follow us here:   / tcg_trainers_au   #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting
