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‘The Roman Legion was BASED!’ - Why The Far-Right SIMP For the Roman Empire 2 года назад

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‘The Roman Legion was BASED!’ - Why The Far-Right SIMP For the Roman Empire

The ultra right have many favourite civilisations and empires in history. Previously, we have covered their love for ancient Greece and Sparta, the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. Today we are turning back to Europe’s biggest empire, the pagan and early Christian Roman Empire. Since its decline, many different groups have been fighting over the legacy of the Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire had the strongest claim to its legacy until its defeat by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Constantinople was founded by Rome’s first Christian Emperor Constantine as the new capital and remained the focal point of eastern Christendom for over one thousand years after the city was created. The Western Roman Empire slowly disintegrated into various fighting kingdoms. It was briefly unified under the Frank, Charlemagne, who claimed the title Holy Roman Emperor after being crowned by Pope Leo III in 800AD, calling himself Imperator Augustus in direct reference to the old Roman Empire. In more modern history, many countries have claimed the title of successor to the Roman Empire. The USA and 1930s Germany and Italy being two of the most notable. In the 21st century, many Western aligned nations view ancient Greece and Rome as the bedrock of Western Civilisation and helped create the best civilisation known to man: ‘The West’. In this video we discuss the history of Rome, its fall, and how it has loomed large over European history ever since. .00:00:00 - Intro 00:03:35 - The Modern Far-Right simping for Rome 00:06:20 - How We were taught about Rome in School 00:10:10 - How Fighting over the Legacy of Rome began ( 00:13:30 - Charlemagne The Holy Roman Emperor 00:18:00 - Why 1930s European Countries Claimed Rome as their inspiration 00:26:30 - Why the West still loves Rome 00:29:00 - Why the Modern Right Love Rome 00:32:20 - Closing Thoughts My Patreon:   / thekavernacle   Follow me on Twitter:   / thekavernacle   My Instagram:   / thekavernacle   Second Channel:    / @thekavernacleextra   My Podcast: My Subreddit:   / thekavernacle   My Personal Reddit:   / tommycahil1995   My Medium:   / thekavernacle  
