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Explaining Motherboard Chipsets

Motherboard chipsets explained, including why chipsets are needed and what they do, legacy Northbridge / Southbridge chipsets, and modern platform controller hubs. Plus information on current and recent Intel and AMD chipsets and their processor compatibilities. My previous video “Explaining PCIe cards” is here:    • Explaining PCIe Slots   And the web page where Intel describes a chipset is here: If you enjoy this video you may also be interested in these earlier ExplainingComputers episodes: “Explaining Intel & AMD CPUs”:    • Explaining Intel & AMD CPUs   “How do CPUs Work?”:    • How Do CPUs Work?   and “The big.LITTLE CPU Revolution”:    • The big.LITTLE CPU Revolution: From A...   More videos on computing and related topics can be found at    / explainingcomputers   You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at:    / explainingthefuture   Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:42 Motherboard interfaces 03:12 Chipset Evolution 06:18 Intel Chipsets 09:52 AMD Chipsets 11:46 The Silicon Backbone #Chipset #Intel #AMD #ExplainingComputers
