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Berlin's Most Visited Sights – Which of These Do You Already Know?

So, your next trip to Berlin is coming up and you want to make sure you see all the city's sights? Join us to explore the most-visited attractions in the German capital! We bet you'll never guess what came in first place! 00:00 Intro 00:34 12th place: Friedrichstadt-Palast 01:13 11th place: Jewish Museum 02:06 10th place: Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church 02:43 9th place: German Museum of Technology 03:39 8th place: Museum of Natural History 04:09 7th place: Berlin Wall Memorial 04:38 6th place: Fernsehturm (TV tower) 05:23 5th place: Reichstag building 05:50 4th place: Humboldt Forum 07:07 3rd place: Topography of Terror 07:46 2nd place: Museum Island Berlin 08:30 1st place: ? (Watch the video 😉    • Berlin's Most Visited Sights – Which ...  ) CRERDITS: Report: Kerstin Schmidt Editing: Sina Mölleck-Liening ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to DW Travel    / dwtravel   Would you like to find out more about DW Travel? ▸Website: ▸Facebook: ▸Instagram: DW Travel is showing you the captivating world of travel. Come along with us to regions and cities in Germany, throughout Europe and to far-away destinations.
