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Older adults at the Doctor's office -The best Jokes ever 3 года назад

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Older adults at the Doctor's office -The best Jokes ever

#Jokes | Older adults at the Doctor's office -The best Jokes ever Welcome back to Joke Channel. We provide you jokes, riddles, funny quotes & sayings to make your day. Today we make a joke of when older peoples go to the doctor's office. "A day without laughter is a day wasted" - said Charlie Chaplin. Laughter is the best medicine for our souls. So to keep you healthy and happily enjoy these shorts​ funny jokes and funny sayings! Hope you'll like it. Voice over: Anthony Stalcup an aspiring comedian and voice actor. YouTube:    / @ohbillproductions1096   Instagram: anthony.stalcup Music: Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Don't forget to leave a comment below, I want to hear your opinion! Please subscribe to see more upcoming videos and hit that bell button!    / @jokechannelbestjokes   Thanks for every Like, Share, and Comment!
