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Скачать с ютуб Passo dello Stelvio from Prato (Italy) - Indoor Cycling Training в хорошем качестве

Passo dello Stelvio from Prato (Italy) - Indoor Cycling Training 2 года назад

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Passo dello Stelvio from Prato (Italy) - Indoor Cycling Training

With its 48 bends, the ride from Prato (Prad am Stilfserjoch) to Passo dello Stelvio is one of the most iconic and popular rides in the world. It is one of those rides that should be on every cyclist's bucket list /Palmarès. After all, it is the highest mountain pass in Italy. The scenery on this ride is simply breathtaking. The pain of climbing up is accompanied by views of huge glaciers working their way down the mountains. The views on this ride are simply the best painkiller one can get. And if you like hairpins, you are in for a treat. Few rides have more hairpins than this iconic ride. You can find the ride on Strava:   / strava   Take your indoor cycling to the next level and bike the world at your own speed: Dive into an immersive indoor cycling experience with our training app ’Open Road’ for PC. The app contains ‘digital twins’ of real rides from all over the world. Using professionally produced cycling videos and the latest technologies in GPS and road surveying equipment, Open Road makes it possible for you to ride a perfect digital twin of the real ride. Open Road will realistically set the speed of the video at the speed you would ride if it was a real ride. With a smart trainer, you will feel the same resistance from gravity as on the actual ride. In short, Open Road offers you a much more realistic and immersive cycling experience compared to our ride-along videos on YouTube. The app is compatible with all ANT+ cycling devices, including smart trainers, power meters, and speed sensors. Athletes with spinning and exercise bikes without ANT+ compatibility can control the speed manually and enjoy riding with all the important cycling data displayed during the training session. Learn more about our training app 'Open Road' and sign up for your free ride on our website: Strava: Join our global cycling community and get kudos from fellow cyclists that like to bike the world:   / strava   Bike the World with others: Many indoor cycling studios around the world are using our videos for their indoor training sessions. If you want to bike the world at your local indoor cycling studio, please tell them about us. Facebook: Do you like our cycling videos? Then learn more about new rides, our training app 'Open Road', and other cycling related activities by giving us a ‘like’ or 'follow' on Facebook:   / biketheworldvideos   Just add music: Most cyclists would agree that the ride to Col du Tourmalet is outstanding. But when it comes to music, opinions are very mixed. This is why we haven’t added music and why we recommend adding your favorite music to the ride. It is quite simple. Mute YouTube and open a browser window. Find a site that offers music (Spotify, YouTube, etc…), pick the music you like, and enjoy the ride... The original sound of the ride has been left out. This is because the natural sound of the surroundings is drowned by noise from passing cars, vibrations from the road, wind, and the rider's breathing. Terms of use: Bike the World has filmed this ride with the journalistic purpose to document, describe, educate on and inform about world-famous and epic bicycle rides around the world. As a courtesy, this video is free to view at home. Any public (more than one person) and/or commercial use needs a license or membership (contact us at for more information). Our videos may not be copied. Likewise, one may not use our videos outside our YouTube channel or our training app 'Open Road' without written permission. Our videos are protected by international copyright laws.
