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Zip and Unzip Files On a Mac Learn how to zip and unzip files on your Mac, including how to create password-protected ZIP files. It is easy to compress a single file or multiple files and folders into a ZIP file archive on your Mac. You can also decompress any ZIP file by simply double-clicking it. The Archive Utility is used invisibly for both commands, and there are some settings you can access. If you want to create password-protected ZIP files, you can do it with the Terminal. FOLLOW MACMOST FOR NEW TUTORIALS EVERY DAY ▶︎ YouTube — (And hit the 🔔) ▶︎ YouTube Email Notifications — ⭐️ ▶︎ MacMost Weekly Email Newsletter — ✉️ SUPPORT MACMOST AT PATREON ▶︎ ❤️ 00:00 Intro 00:57 Create a ZIP Archive 02:06 Extract Files From a ZIP Archive 02:45 Better Naming 03:31 Using Archive Utility 04:03 UnZIP Settings 05:33 Create Password-Protected ZIP Files 07:53 UnZIP Password-Protected ZIP Files #macmost #zipfiles #compression
