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Скачать с ютуб NMIMS - The ambani of Indian B-schools🥲😂 в хорошем качестве

NMIMS - The ambani of Indian B-schools🥲😂 2 года назад

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NMIMS - The ambani of Indian B-schools🥲😂

NMIMS-The Ambani of Indian B-schools🥲✨ Amidst being the one of the top b-schools in the country, NMIMS always gains attention for its higher expenses. Starting from registration to admission, NM is not everyone’s piece of cake. What do you think of this? Comment below. Share to fellow MBA aspirants! Welcome to the world of Mr Iyengar, in this series Iyengar will try to address some of the funny but factual things in the simplest manner concerned with MBA, college life, education and much more. Tune in for Iyengar’s next video. Ps. This content is only for entertainment and awareness purposes. All the things mentioned are expressed based on my personal views only. #mba #nmims #nmimsmumbai #nmimsdiaries #mbacoaching #mbalife #mbaindia #mbamemes
