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🧛‍♂️ CASTLEVANIA Symphony of the Night // BEST PORTS (feat.

Hey World Gamers, thanks for passing by! If you are a returning subscriber, THANK YOU for being part of the family! Today we check out all the versions of Castlevania Symphony of the Night we can get our hands on. And since they are so many, I needed some serious help. So THANK YOU ‪@thereviewden‬ SUBSCRIBE to these AWESOME channels!! - ‪@thereviewden‬ :    / @thereviewden   - ‪@NichePlays‬ Castlevania SOTN video:    • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (P...   - ‪@MrVile‬ Castlevania SOTN Tiger LCD playthrough:    • TIGER Castlevania Symphony Of The Nig...   Other Useful LINKs: Castlevania Resurrection Dreamcast Beta Review video:    • Castlevania Resurrection BETA // Drea...   5 Game-Ceptions Games Within Games video:    • 5 GAME-CEPTIONs! 🕹 Full games within ...   Halloween Specials Playlist:    • LWG's Halloween's Specials   Follow me on these social media: Instagram:   / lucianworldgamer   Twitter: Facebook: CHAPTERS: 0:00 Intro 3:33 The Origins of SOTN 4:58 Sony PlayStation 8:51 Sega Saturn 17:19 IGN's Trivia 18:17 Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade 25:16 Sony PlayStation Portable 30:17 TV Commercial 30:39 Lost Media 34:40 Encore of the Night 35:19 Requiem on Sony PlayStation 4 37:07 Which Version is for YOU 40:56 Outro #CastlevaniaSOTN #CastlevaniaSymphonyOfTheNight #Castlevania #RetroGaming #CastlevaniaSaturn #PSP #SegaSaturn #XboxLive CREDITS: Video narrated and edited by Lucian Portions narrated by ‪@thereviewden‬ are also edited by him (awesome job!!) TAGS: castlevania symphony of the night ports, castlevania symphony of the night saturn extras, castlevania saturn maria, castlevania dominus collection review, castlevania dominus collection trailer, castlevania dominus collection, castlevania dominus collection secrets
