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Скачать с ютуб MOROCCO - The Beautiful Blue City Chefchaouen 💙 в хорошем качестве

MOROCCO - The Beautiful Blue City Chefchaouen 💙 1 год назад

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MOROCCO - The Beautiful Blue City Chefchaouen 💙

There's a beautiful blue city in Morocco also known as the "blue pearl of Morocco". Chefchaouen is a charming, picturesque city nestled in the Rif mountains and its buildings all throughout the town are painted in various shades of blue. Chefchaouen also known as Chaouen is about a 4 hour bus ride from Fes. We took the CTM bus to travel to Chaouen and absolutely loved the gorgeous mountain views along the way. #chefchaouen #chaouen #morocco =============== VLOG DATE: 06 May 2023 =============== SUPPORT US If you enjoy our videos please remember to hit that thumbs up, share our video and/or leave us a comment, we really enjoy hearing from our viewers 🙂 If you're new to our channel, we hope you'll subscribe and turn on notifications so you can stay up to date with all our latest videos each week. We normally post a new video every Sunday 11.30am NZT with the occasional midweek bonus. Any donations are also sincerely appreciated as it goes directly into helping us continue to make our videos to share with everyone. Your support means a lot to us and any contribution at all is amazing. A huge thank you from us both! ❤️🙂 =============== FOLLOW US Instagram   / peterandyen   Facebook   / peterandyen   Website
