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Ford Mustang Ecoboost - Honest Owner Review After 2 Years

In this video I would like to share with you my honest owner review of Ford Mustang Ecoboost Premium 2015. I will cover my overall experience with buying and owning Ford Mustang 2.3, mods that I did to this car (including Roush CAI and Cobb), problems and "Check Engines" that I had with this car (including Fuel Pressure Sensor, EVAP and actuator) and how it drives now! Is 4 cylinder Ford Mustang better than Ford Mustang GT 5.0, or is it just an Ecoboom? If you have any questions regarding this pony, comment below! 00:00 Intro 00:40 Specifications of Mustang 01:10 Why would anyone buy Ford Mustang Ecoboost 03:01 How I bought my Mustang 07:02 Mods I did 07:50 Fuel Pressure Sensor 08:07 Roush CAI 08:35 NGK Sparks 08:44 Pained Pony 09:16 Suspension - Koni Sport 09:55 Cold Start 10:00 Acceleration Exhaust Sound 10:31 Cobb Accessport V3 11:07 My Favorite Features 12:08 MPG 12:49 Streetracing 13:17 Problems, Errors, Check Engines 15:42 Outro 👉 Get in touch with me Gear: 💻MacBook Pro M1: 📺LG 29' Ultrawide Monitor: 🎥Sony ZV1: 🖱Logitech MX Master: ⌨️ Logitech MX Keys: _____________ Hi there 👋 If you're new to my videos my name is Ivan Bunin, and on this channel I would like to create content that helps people both in their professional and personal life. I cover topics like investments, personal finance, digital business, digital marketing, payment apps, international transfers, cigars, cars and other.
