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She Lost Her Apartment Then Built This Stunning Tiny House For Her and Her Daughter! 6 месяцев назад

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She Lost Her Apartment Then Built This Stunning Tiny House For Her and Her Daughter!

The rental market is tough and many live in constant threat of having their sense of housing security pulled from under their feet. When Cat was told that her apartment had been sold and she needed to find a new place for her and her daughter to live, she responded by building a dream tiny house which gave them both the security and the lifestyle they desired. Now parked up on a rural property in Queensland, Australia, the tiny house has become an incredible home for Cat and her daughter. They live in community amongst friends on a beautiful section with plenty of space around them. And their home is absolutely charming. Well designed to give both Cat and her daughter space and filled with beautiful elements that give this house a true sense of home, Cat has created not only a safe place to call home for her family, but also the freedom for her and her daughter to live an intentional life of their choosing. We hope you enjoy the tour of this very special tiny home. If you enjoy our show and would like to help support our work, please consider supporting us on Patreon:   / livingbig   Our Socials and Links: Find out more about this tiny house and others on our website: Please subscribe for more videos on tiny houses, architecture, DIY, design, and sustainable, off-grid living. Presented and Produced by: Bryce Langston Camera: Rasa Pescud & Bryce Langston Editing: Sarah Binder & Rasa Pescud Title music in this video by Bryce Langston:    / brycelangston   'Living Big in a Tiny House' © 2024 Zyia Pictures Ltd #tinyhouse #tinyhousetour #hometour
