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China Hit with Chip Curbs, X and SpaceX Move to Texas | Bloomberg Technology 5 месяцев назад

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China Hit with Chip Curbs, X and SpaceX Move to Texas | Bloomberg Technology

Bloomberg's Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow break down why the US is weighing tougher trade curbs on chips for China. Plus, Elon Musk is moving the headquarters for SpaceX and X to Texas, and a deep dive into whether JD Vance can be good for business, and the Andreessen Horowitz co-founders are now backing Trump. -------- "Bloomberg Technology" is our daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business hosted by Ed Ludlow from San Francisco and Caroline Hyde in New York. Like this video? Subscribe and turn on the notifications for Bloomberg Technology on YouTube:    / @bloombergtechnology   Watch the latest full episodes of "Bloomberg Technology" with Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow here:    • Bloomberg Technology With Emily Chang...   Get the latest in tech from Silicon Valley and around the world here: Follow Ed Ludlow on Twitter here:   / edludlow   Follow Caroline Hyde on Twitter here:   / carolinehydetv   Connect with us on... Twitter:   / technology   Facebook:   / bloombergtechnology   Instagram:   / bloombergbusiness  
